
How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit Traveling Abroad

Lose Luggage

How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit.

“Do you know that about 684,000 luggage were lost or mishandled at a major US airliner in 2022?-Luggage Hero.”

If that was the US, ever wondered what has become of other parts of the world?


‘How not to lose luggage in Transit, next line.’

The problems are the horrors and hassles it brings ranging from missed schedules to failed contracts. Thanks to travel insurance tho. However, you should be on the watch for how not to lose your luggage in Transit.


How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit

To avert being among the 100s of thousands of luggage losers or miss handlers in 2023, read up till you see “Conclusion

How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit

Counting down…


#9. How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit: Take A Way Flight

Endeavor to book a one-way flight to your destination, it’s the surest way to arrive with your stuff and not have lost luggage.

However, this method is expensive. Alternatively, you can indulge in extended layover packages. You should only opt for a layoff time of 1 and a half hours.

Anything lower puts you at risk of experiencing a lost package. You may be fast to arrive and zoom in for your baggage, but the wardens Have Not got things ready. To make up for that, you need a wait time

#8. How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit: Mark Your Luggage

Let yours be the Odd one out among the floods of black blue red and pink luggage.

Go Creative here, use tape to design characters on your luggage you can apply colors. Maybe stickers of your@ love or bold colors; anything that’ll make yours stand out. If you think you are empty of knowledge here, get yourself a striking-colored suitcase.

#7. How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit: Arrive on Time

When you arrive, head on to the luggage terminal for your baggage. This will give you a clearer overview of what has arrived and what’s still in transit. Look for the markings on your luggage that made it stand out. You couldn’t find it? Ask Questions, how to let it be that you were there on time?

#6. How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit: Mark Your Luggage Inside Out

Another genius is the in-and-out verification. Tag some info about you from the outside of your luggage, it can be anything that you’re familiar with.

For example, “this is my XYZ” or anything. After that, you put a piece of paper in an obvious position where you will easily notice once the luggage is opened. 

The idea is in case the outside info falls off and it’s been found also where you can use the information inside to prove ownership.

#5. How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit: Get Rid Of Old Tags

If you’re a regular traveler with airlines, there’s a possibility that you’ve had the former airliner tags on your luggage. Get rid of it.

This may only cause serious confusion as the logo of the flight on it at the moment isn’t the airline service you’re using. This might linger in the recovery process of your luggage being lost and found.

#4. How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit: Use Pictures

Using a picture will have your work stress-free. Before I progress;

“It’s no longer your problem to get back to the airport and be looking for your missing luggage. It’s their Fault, They should bring it to your location.”

Still, you need to help them help you. Do so by inserting a clear picture of yourself, at the back should be your current address, phone number, or email.

This way all you need to do is inform them about what they’ll see to help them find you. That’s why you shouldn’t miss outer tags.

#3. How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit: Use Padlocks

use Padlocks, bro. At this point, your luggage involves any inanimate property that you traveled with. Meaning anything inside or outside your bag is your luggage. You’ve lost luggage if you lose an item from your carrier.

You need padlocks to abate the chances of losing vital content in your luggage. However, use portable and presentable stuff.

You can count on techs here.

#2. How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit: Use a Luggage Tag

The new normal and easiest one so far is to put a GPS tracker on your luggage. Airline services now have devices to track GPS signals to point “0.”

You can as well install the device on your smartphone to track it, when you’ve got clear details, you can communicate it to the airline providers. Some modern trackers like Tile Pro Powerful Bluetooth Tracker, galaxy smart tag, etc are top-rated trackers for 2023. 

“Don’t forget to get one for your pets too if you smell roses while chilling in the next transit.”

#1. How Not to Lose Luggage in Transit: Pack on What you Need

When you hoard more than you need, you lose what you need; My quote tho.

You’ll see this play out from home, you might think you need the things you’re carrying not far until you discover that you never carry what you need.

Another part of the game is that you may Carry everything down, but you’ll get choked with sizes.

Things you need most range from important documents to Travel Abroad. Then essentials.

What if?

Yeah; what if you came here because you’re looking for Ways to find your lost luggage?

Well, if you had applied any of the above tactics, you should

“contact the appropriate authorities in your air service providers who are responsible for lost luggage”

Provide them with your luggage details.


#1. Which Luggage Tracker is Best?

Check it out:

  • Best Overall: Tile Pro Powerful Bluetooth Tracker
  • Best For International Flights: Tracki Mini GPS Tracker
  • Best Real-time Tracking: LandAirSea 54 GPS Tracker
  • Best Suitcase With Built-in Tracker: Endymata Minimalist USB Smart GPS Tracker and more

#2. What is the best Insurance for travel luggage loss?

Some of the best travel insurance are:

  • Seven Corners 
  • Generali Global Assistance
  • World Nomads
  • Nationwide 
  • Travelex, etc.


How not to Lose Your Luggage in Transit Traveling Abroad begins at home. Get your important documents packed first, followed by wears and other essentials.

Buying travel insurance is always ideal as one of the important documents you need to travel abroad. Bon voyage.

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