
Can I Enter the UK on a Skilled Worker Visa?

If you are considering working in the United Kingdom and have valuable skills to offer, you may be wondering if you can enter the country on a Skilled Worker visa. In this article, we will explore the Skilled Worker visa category, its requirements, and the process of obtaining one. Whether you are a professional seeking new opportunities or an employer looking to hire skilled workers, this article will provide valuable insights.


Understanding the Skilled Worker Visa

The Skilled Worker visa is designed to attract skilled workers from around the world to fill job vacancies in the UK. This visa category replaced the Tier 2 (General) visa route in December 2020. It allows skilled individuals to live and work in the UK for a specific job offer from a licensed UK employer.


Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a Skilled Worker visa, you need to meet certain criteria. Firstly, you must have a confirmed job offer from a UK employer that holds a valid sponsor license. The job offer must be for a position that meets the skill level and salary requirements set by the UK government. You must also demonstrate English language proficiency at the required level, typically through an approved English language test.

Certificate of Sponsorship


Your UK employer must provide you with a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) to support your Skilled Worker visa application. The CoS contains information about the job you have been offered and confirms that your employer is sponsoring your visa. Your employer will need to go through the process of obtaining a CoS from the Home Office before you can proceed with your application.

Application Process

To apply for a Skilled Worker visa, you will need to complete an online application form and submit supporting documents. These documents may include your passport, proof of English language proficiency, evidence of your job offer, and financial documents to demonstrate your ability to support yourself in the UK. It is crucial to ensure that all documents are accurate and up-to-date to avoid any delays or complications in the application process.

Healthcare Surcharge and Immigration Skills Charge

As part of the Skilled Worker visa application, you will be required to pay the healthcare surcharge. This entitles you to access the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) during your stay. Additionally, your employer may need to pay the Immigration Skills Charge, which helps fund training programs for UK residents.

Switching Jobs and Extending Your Stay

If you are already in the UK on a different visa category, you may be able to switch to a Skilled Worker visa. However, you will still need to meet the eligibility criteria and have a valid job offer from a licensed sponsor. Once in the UK on a Skilled Worker visa, you can extend your stay or switch jobs, provided you meet the requirements and have the necessary sponsorship in place.


The Skilled Worker visa provides a pathway for skilled individuals to enter the UK and contribute to the country’s workforce. With a confirmed job offer from a licensed sponsor and meeting the eligibility criteria, you can pursue exciting career opportunities in the UK. Remember to thoroughly understand the requirements, follow the application process diligently, and ensure all documentation is in order. Whether you are an employer or an individual seeking opportunities, the Skilled Worker visa opens doors to a wide range of possibilities.


1. Can I enter the UK on a Skilled Worker visa without a job offer?

No, a job offer from a UK employer with a valid sponsor license is a mandatory requirement for the Skilled Worker visa. You must have a confirmed job offer that meets the skill level and salary requirements set by the UK government.

2. Can I switch to a Skilled Worker visa while already in the UK on a different visa category?

Yes, it may be possible to switch to a Skilled Worker visa while in the UK on a different visa category, provided you meet the eligibility criteria and have a valid job offer from a licensed sponsor.

3. How long can I stay in the UK on a Skilled Worker visa?

The duration of your stay on a Skilled Worker visa depends on the length of your job offer. Initially, you can stay for up to 5 years and 14 days or the time given on your certificate of sponsorship, whichever is shorter. You may be eligible to extend your visa or apply for settlement in the future.

4. Can I bring my family members to the UK on a Skilled Worker visa?

Yes, you can bring your spouse, civil partner, or unmarried partner, as well as dependent children, to the UK on a Skilled Worker visa. They will need to apply for dependent visas and meet the relevant requirements.

5. What is the Immigration Skills Charge?

The Immigration Skills Charge is a fee paid by employers who sponsor skilled workers. It helps fund training programs for UK residents and aims to invest in the domestic workforce.

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