
How to Travel Abroad with Pets, Step-by-step Method

Dog travel by car. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever enjoying road trip.

Travel abroad with pets this summer.

Traveling abroad with pets can be so demanding. However, if you’re like me, you’ll go any legal length to have those hairy pals alongside every step of the way.


Would you spare 2 minutes for this? Well then, here we go:

How to Travel Abroad with Pets.

travel abroad with pets


Dummies can travel abroad with pets by following these steps:

  • Research your destination
  • Meet your vet
  • Get an APGIS-approved Certificate
  • Book a flight for your pet
  • Know the rule and regulations of the airlines you booked
  • Choose the right Career
  • Teach your pet how to adapt
  • Bon voyage

Research Your Destination

You’re researching to know the disease control regulating your destination. Countries like the US have strict rules on rabies. 

Before you travel abroad with pets, you must have your dog’s rabies shot records handy. 


You’re to give your pets a rabies shot not less than 30 days before traveling abroad. However, other countries may demand that your last rabies treatment shouldn’t date more than 12 months before entry.

Meet Your Vet

Reach out to your vet. Listen to the expert. You need that pepper work and validations to prove that your fur buddy is fit for the trip. To travel abroad with pets, your pet must be up to date health-wise. This is the work of your vet. Visit your vet a month before traveling with your pet.

Begin the chat via email, text messages, and phone calls. Make sure that your vet is a USDA-accredited vet, or he should recommend you to one. The goal is to have health statements from a USDA accredited vets

Get an APGIS-approved Certificate

It’s important to get a health statement from a USDA-accredited vet. That’s your sure pass to your destination. 

However, to travel abroad with pets with papers not from USDA Certified vet, you must have your Documents countersigned by the APGIS(Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service).

To do so, you’re to go to the APGIS yourself. The catch is, it might be tough because of varying destinations and time frames. Alternatively, look up the list of USDA APHIS databases for a certified vet near you.

If you’re headed for Europe, you’ll need a pet passport. The passport serves like the human passport too, this will cover every requirement for your pets traveling abroad.

Book a Flight For Your Pet

When all that is required are met, it’s time to look up the plane that is compatible with your pet. Endeavor to know if the airline permits pets onboard and find out if there’s still space for you and your pet to jump along.

Know the size of the cabin. Your pet may be allowed inside the cabin space under your seat if it’s an emotional support pet or other friendly pet.

The barrier has always been the size of the cabin.

In this case, use the cargo hold area in the plane. Or consider a pet shipping company to help you move your pet

Book direct flights to your destination. As much as possible, cut down on the travel legs your pet must encounter before arriving at its destination. Travel under convenient weather. 

What Rules And Regulations Runs The Airlines You Booked?

Look up the airline’s pet policy for the flight you wish to book online. This will return an accurate result in what is allowed and not allowed with pets on board.

Some airlines restrict certain breeds and ages from traveling across the Pacific or Atlantic. Other airlines require certain dimensions and weights for specific hours of flight and temperatures.

To travel abroad with pets, you must meet these requirements tho.

If you ask me, I’ll recommend a pet shipping company to handle this. 

However, you’ll stand a better chance of getting your pet on board if it’s between 8-12 weighing around 17 pounds. 

Choose The Right Career

Whether you’re moving your pet through the cabin, cargo hold, or pet shipping company, you’ll need to have them in the kennel.

An ideal kennel for cats and dogs is one with a 2-inch headspace above when they stand. with a leak-proof bottom. This will allow more expression for your pets.

Make sure it’s a well-ventilated kennel and metal woven that can stand the bang and press. 

Teach Your Pet How To Adapt

Now that you’re set to travel abroad with pets (your pet). You have to make them feel at home. Test drive them in the carrier to the place they love.

This will make them see the carrier as a joy bringer. Come along with something to remember home with like their favorite toys. When on the flights, provide a drinking bowl so that they can have a drink when thirsty. Make them comfy in their blacker too. These work to make your pet adapt expecting another happy ending.


#1. How Do Pets Pee When Traveling On A Flight?

Some flights provide pet relief areas, others have professionals for potty breaks. However, let your pets relieve themselves before the flight.

Some pets may hold the press during shorter travel. But move two steps further and wear your pets some pet diapers to hold any urine. 

It’s a bad idea to give your pets tranquilizers in an attempt to prevent urination.

#2. What is The Right Size of a Pet Kennel?

Getting the right kennel size for your pet depends on your pet’s size. Whatever the size may be, there should be at least 2-inch headspace. And enough gap for the pets to chase their tail. Don’t forget the bottom should be leakproof.

Travel abroad with pets:  Conclusion

Whether you want to travel with your pet abroad for economic support, accommodation purposes, or like myself; companionship and emotional support. Whatever the case may be, you have to know the in and out of doing so.

Gladly that was succinctly treated in this article.

To travel abroad with pets, you may need insurance to cover up for unseen happenings.

Touring Canada? rehearse these travel phrases on board. Bon voyage.

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